I made a short video of my eclipse photos from my recent trip.
Rough first approximation. The astro-tracker worked fairly well, but
there's a little bit of drift.
I'm working on a better version that has all the sun images aligned &
I'll crop out most of the negative space ... but if I wait until I get
it right I'll probably never get it finished.
This is GOOD ENOUGH for now. I'll replace it IF/WHEN I figure out how to
do it better.
Vivere in aeternum aut mori conatur
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On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 05:05:59PM -0500, John Sessoms wrote:
I made a short video of my eclipse photos from my recent trip.
Rough first approximation. The astro-tracker worked fairly well, but there's
a little bit of drift.
I'm working on a better version that has all the sun images aligned & I'll
crop out most of the negative space ... but if I wait until I get it right
I'll probably never get it finished.
This is GOOD ENOUGH for now. I'll replace it IF/WHEN I figure out how to do
it better.
Cool! I eagerly await the final version.