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PESO 2024 - 147, 148 - GDG

Godfrey DiGiorgi
Sat, Jun 29, 2024 2:18 PM

Thank you all for you comments and subsequent emails on PESO 2024 #146. I truly appreciate it. For those asking about the Minox cameras and such I have for sale, I'll get to that in this coming week ... need to pull the boxes out of my closet and see exactly what I have to offer. Feel free to send more inquiries, I will get to them soon. :)

In the meanwhile, I'm working my way through the Minox C roll I processed. One of the big differences between scanning Minox submini and 35 or 120 formats is that no matter how scrupulously clean you keep your processing work area and scanning rig, there is always a degree of dust spotting to deal with on every frame. LR Classic makes this easy—it has excellent tools and a great workflow for spotting—but it still takes a bit of extra time per frame. It's a part of the submini experience...

GDG Self Portrait :: https://flic.kr/p/2q12sYy
Lock, Hasp, Gate - Santa Clara 2024 :: https://flic.kr/p/2q1caej

both: Minox C, APX100
Scanned with Leica M10/M + Summicron-R 50/2 with bellows

Enjoy! G

On Jun 27, 2024, at 10:53 PM, Godfrey DiGiorgi via groups.io godfreydigiorgi=me.com@groups.io wrote:

First time I've run a roll of film through one of my Minox 8x11 subminis for a very long time.

Leaves - Santa Clara 2024 :: https://flic.kr/p/2pZSZ5i
Minox C, APX100
Scanned with Leica M10 Monochrom + Summicron-R 50mm f/2 on bellows

The Minox C is a lovely camera to shoot with, albeit ISO 100 film ends up being a bit grainy and soft for this format; APX25 film returns much more detailed images. :)

Thank you all for you comments and subsequent emails on PESO 2024 #146. I truly appreciate it. For those asking about the Minox cameras and such I have for sale, I'll get to that in this coming week ... need to pull the boxes out of my closet and see exactly what I have to offer. Feel free to send more inquiries, I will get to them soon. :) In the meanwhile, I'm working my way through the Minox C roll I processed. One of the big differences between scanning Minox submini and 35 or 120 formats is that no matter how scrupulously clean you keep your processing work area and scanning rig, there is always a degree of dust spotting to deal with on every frame. LR Classic makes this easy—it has excellent tools and a great workflow for spotting—but it still takes a bit of extra time per frame. It's a part of the submini experience... [url=https://flic.kr/p/2q12sYy][img]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53821540832_731df5395e_b.jpg[/img][/url] GDG Self Portrait :: https://flic.kr/p/2q12sYy Lock, Hasp, Gate - Santa Clara 2024 :: https://flic.kr/p/2q1caej both: Minox C, APX100 Scanned with Leica M10/M + Summicron-R 50/2 with bellows Enjoy! G > On Jun 27, 2024, at 10:53 PM, Godfrey DiGiorgi via groups.io <godfreydigiorgi=me.com@groups.io> wrote: > > First time I've run a roll of film through one of my Minox 8x11 subminis for a very long time. > > Leaves - Santa Clara 2024 :: https://flic.kr/p/2pZSZ5i > Minox C, APX100 > Scanned with Leica M10 Monochrom + Summicron-R 50mm f/2 on bellows > > The Minox C is a lovely camera to shoot with, albeit ISO 100 film ends up being a bit grainy and soft for this format; APX25 film returns much more detailed images. :)